Using Emerging Tech for Sustainable Agriculture in Developing Nations

You have heard the stories of how new technologies are revolutionizing the agriculture industry in developing nations, making it more sustainable and efficient. But what are these technologies, and how can you use them to make a real difference in the lives of farmers?

In this article, we will discuss some of the emerging technologies being used in sustainable agriculture, such as vertical farming and precision agriculture. We will look at how these technologies can be applied in developing countries to help increase yields while reducing environmental impact. We will also discuss the potential policy implications of these technologies and how they could be used to create a more equitable future for farmers in developing countries.

What Is Vertical Farming and Its Role in Sustainable Agriculture

You may be familiar with the term “vertical farming”; it’s a type of agricultural system that uses minimal land and resources to maximum effect. By growing crops in vertically stacked layers, vertical farms can produce higher yields with less energy input than traditional farming. This type of sustainable agriculture can be especially beneficial in developing countries, as it minimizes usage of resources such as land and water, while allowing for increased production and reduced environmental impact.

Vertical farming not only reduces the amount of land needed to grow food, but helps to fight soil degradation, reduce waste, and conserve water. Additionally, its indoor environment allows it to reduce exposure to pests and disease which may be a challenge in some areas. This is because crops are grown in temperature-controlled environments using hydroponic methods, and shielded from extreme weather conditions.

Overall, vertical farming offers a promising solution for sustainable agriculture by creating a more efficient use of resources while producing higher yields than what could be achieved using traditional methods. With lower costs, this method could help provide better access to fresh produce for many people in developing countries where agricultural resources are scarce.

How Precision Agriculture Is Helping Developing Nations

You may be wondering, what is precision agriculture? Put simply, it is an industrialized form of plant cultivation that relies on analytics and other technologies to maximize output with minimal input, such as water and fertilizer. By using cutting-edge technology such as remote sensing, satellite imagery, drones, and even robots (in some cases), farmers are able to get a better handle on the needs of their crops.

For example, instead of spraying the entire field with fertilizer, precision agriculture enables farmers to identify the areas where it’s most needed by analyzing soil samples. This helps them save money while improving yields—which is especially beneficial in parts of the world where resources are scarce. Additionally, precision agriculture also helps farmers improve their water efficiency—for instance, by using sensors that measure moisture levels and help adjust irrigation systems accordingly.

In summary, precision agriculture is revolutionizing farming across the globe—especially in developing countries—as it helps reduce costs while increasing yields and efficiency. With further research and development in this field, we can look forward to farmers in developing nations reaping even greater benefits from this technology in the future.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Vertical Farming

Vertical farming, which involves growing crops in controlled, indoor environments, is another emerging technology that has the potential to revolutionize agriculture in developing countries. In the past two decades, vertical farming has seen rapid growth in developed countries and is now becoming accessible in emerging markets.

Vertical farming offers a range of advantages and disadvantages for sustainable agriculture:


  1. Controlled environment: The growing environment can be completely controlled, allowing farmers to optimize conditions for crop growth with precise irrigation, temperature and nutrient levels to maximize output.
  2. Space-saving technology: Vertical farming can reduce land requirements for food production by up to 95%. This technology can be used to produce food on small plots of land or even in urban areas.
  3. Technology advancements: The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI), automation and data analytics is making vertical farming even more efficient and precise.


  1. Start-up costs: Setting up a vertical farm requires a significant investment in infrastructure and technology, which may not be possible for smaller operations or poorer communities.
  2. Energy intensive: Due to the need for precise environmental control, running a vertical farm requires a significant amount of energy. Finding renewable sources of energy is essential if this technology is to be adopted on a large scale.
  3. Limited to certain products: Growing certain products such as root vegetables may not be suitable with vertical farming methods due to their need for soil-based cultivation techniques.

Benefits and Challenges of Precision Agriculture

Precision agriculture is an innovative technology that has the potential to increase crop yields and reduce water and energy consumption, while also improving soil health in developing nations. But, as with all new technologies, there are risks and challenges associated with implementation.


Firstly, precision agriculture can help increase crop yields. By using satellite imagery and other data sources to better understand soil types, pests and weather patterns, farmers are able to make more informed decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and harvesting times. This increased efficiency can lead to higher yields in the same amount of space with fewer resources.

In addition, precision agriculture has the potential to reduce water consumption and improve water quality by reducing runoff from excess fertilizer or chemical applications. It can also help improve soil health, as farmers track nutrient levels in their soil over time and adjust application rates accordingly.

Finally, precision agriculture has the potential to reduce energy consumption on farms by automating tasks such as irrigation scheduling or weed control. Automated tractors can also save time by performing tasks such as planting and harvesting faster than human labor ever could.


The main challenge in the implementation of precision agriculture is ensuring that farmers have access to adequate data. Many small farmers in developing countries lack access to a reliable internet connection or other forms of technology necessary for implementing this type of agriculture. Furthermore, if they do have access to these resources they may not have the skills or knowledge needed to interpret the data effectively or use it to make decisions about their farming practices.

In addition, there is concern about data privacy when it comes to precision agriculture. Farmers need assurance that their data will not be used against them while they are collecting it for profit-

Impact of Emerging Technologies on Developing Countries’ Agricultural Industries

Thanks to advancements in emerging technologies, sustainable agriculture can have a positive impact on developing countries. Vertical farming and precision agriculture are two major technologies that are revolutionizing agricultural practices in the developing world.

Vertical Farming

Vertical farming is an innovative way of getting the most out of a limited space. This technology allows for plants to be grown in vertically stacked levels, creating an efficient, compact system that maximizes production. In developing countries with limited land, vertical farms can produce more food in smaller areas with less waste and water use than traditional farming methods.

Precision Agriculture

Precision agriculture uses sensors and other technology to monitor various aspects of crops and soil conditions. By using real-time data to measure moisture content, temperature, pH levels, and other metrics, farmers can optimize crop management for optimal growth conditions with minimal effort. In addition, precision agriculture reduces the need for pesticides by targeting spraying only where it’s needed most. This makes it an ideal solution for farmers in developing nations who don’t have access to expensive pesticides or chemical treatments.

The benefits of emerging technologies such as vertical farming and precision agriculture have already begun to transform the agricultural industries of developing countries as they strive towards sustainability goals while meeting their growing food needs.

Final Thoughts on Implementing an Agricultural Technology Strategy

In order to successfully implement an agricultural technology strategy in developing countries, several key elements must be taken into account. Firstly, it is important to consider the available resources. For example, vertical farming requires energy and resources that may not be readily available in certain countries. Additionally, precision agriculture can be expensive to implement and maintain, requiring an ongoing investment from the government or other organizations.

Furthermore, it is important to take into account the cultural context of a given country when implementing any type of new technology. Different cultures may have different preferences for how technologies are implemented and used. Finally, there should be a clear plan for how the resources and infrastructure necessary for a technology like vertical farming or precision agriculture will be created or maintained over time.

By taking all these elements into consideration when implementing an agricultural technology strategy in developing countries, we can ensure that the investment yields long-term benefits by improving sustainable agricultural practices with emerging technologies.

Emerging technologies offer exciting potential for addressing issues of sustainability, food security and resource allocation in the face of a rapidly changing environment. Vertical farming and precision agriculture are two of the most promising technologies, with the potential to reduce poverty and hunger, safeguard the environment and promote economic development in developing countries. However, it is critical to consider the possible implications of new technologies for local communities and vulnerable populations, particularly in terms of access to resources, livelihoods and ownership of data. It is also important to remember that technology alone is not enough. Solutions to complex challenges, such as sustainable agriculture, must come from multi-faceted approaches that integrate technology, policy, finance, local knowledge and human capacity.