Imagine waking up one day to find out that a massive pipeline is being built through your community, threatening the safety of your drinking water, destroying your sacred land, and displacing your family and friends. This is the reality for the people living along the path of the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

The Mountain Valley Pipeline is a natural gas pipeline that stretches 303 miles from West Virginia to Virginia, cutting through the Appalachian Mountains and crossing over 1,000 waterways. It is also a prime example of environmental racism, as the pipeline disproportionately affects low-income and minority communities.
But what exactly is environmental racism, and why should you care about the Mountain Valley Pipeline? In this article, we’ll explore the impact of this controversial pipeline and the larger issue of environmental injustice. It’s time to raise our voices and demand a more just and equitable world for all.
What Is the Mountain Valley Pipeline?
The Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) is a 303-mile long natural gas project that stretches from West Virginia to Virginia, cutting across environmentally protected lands and communities along the way. Built in order to transport fracked natural gas from the Marcellus and Utica shale plays, the pipeline has stirred up serious controversy over its potential environmental and health hazards.

Moreover, many have voiced concerns that the pipeline will disproportionately hurt minority communities living in areas near its right of way, thus exacerbating environmental racism—the idea that people of color are more likely to bear the brunt of climate change-related problems like pollution.
The fact that 84% of homes within 500 feet of the MVP’s path are owned by people of color has only heightened fears among local residents and environmentalists alike. For instance, Virginia’s Roanoke River Basin Advisory Committee has raised concerns that MVP’s construction could lead to greater soil erosion and increased pollutants flowing downstream.
With so much at stake, it’s clear why so many people are so worried about MVP—and why we must take a closer look at how it might impact minority communities living in proximity to its path.
How the MVP Threatens Environmentalism
The Mountain Valley Pipeline, or MVP, is more than just an environmental issue. It is a case study in environmental racism. The pipeline would cut through the Appalachian Mountains, running over 300 miles from West Virginia to Virginia. The construction and operation of the pipeline would cause irreparable damage to the natural environment, including streams, forests and wetlands, and harm the historically marginalized communities in its path.

The MVP threatens our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and transition towards a renewable energy future. It will be responsible for over 90 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions over its lifetime – equivalent to the emissions from more than 19 million cars on the road for a year. While companies push the narrative that pipelines like MVP are necessary for our energy needs, in reality they perpetuate our reliance on fossil fuels rather than investing in cleaner alternatives.
If we do not take action to stop projects like MVP, we risk losing critical habitats and biodiversity while simultaneously exacerbating climate change. As consumers, we must demand accountability from corporations both financially and through our political representation. We must recognize that environmentalism is not just about conservation or reducing carbon emissions but also about protecting marginalized communities that unfairly bear the brunt of industrial pollution.
The Disproportionate Impact on Rural and Low-Income Communities
One of the most troubling aspects of the Mountain Valley Pipeline project is its disproportionate impact on rural and low-income communities. The pipeline route passes through areas that are already struggling economically, and many residents in these areas rely on agriculture, tourism, and other industries that could be harmed by the pipeline’s construction and operation.
Furthermore, it’s important to note that these communities are often made up of people of color who have historically faced systemic racism and discrimination. This is not a coincidence—the pipeline company chose this route specifically because it was deemed the “path of least resistance,” meaning it would be easier to acquire land in these areas due to lower property values and fewer legal challenges.

The result is a classic case of environmental racism, where marginalized communities become the dumping grounds for harmful industrial projects that wealthier communities would never tolerate in their own backyards. It’s important to remember that these communities did not choose to live near this pipeline—rather, they were targeted because they lacked the resources and political power to resist it.
As a concerned citizen, it’s up to you to speak out against this injustice and support organizations working to defend the rights of affected communities. While the pipeline may be framed as a project that benefits everyone through increased energy production, we must also consider who pays the price for this supposed progress—and ensure that those who are most vulnerable are not left behind.
Marginalized Communities Bear the Brunt of the Damage
It’s important to understand that the construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline isn’t just an environmental issue—it’s also an issue of environmental racism. The pipeline is slated to run through Appalachia, an area that already has a history of being exploited for its natural resources. But it’s not just the environment that’s at risk—it’s the people who live in these communities, many of whom are already marginalized and low-income.
Land Seizures
The construction of the pipeline has already resulted in the seizure of land from homeowners and farmers in the area. And while the pipeline company has promised to restore the land after construction is complete, many are skeptical that it will ever be the same. Homeowners have reported damage to their properties, including cracked foundations and contaminated water sources.
Health Impacts
The construction of the pipeline will also have health impacts on the surrounding communities. The pipeline will emit toxic chemicals and pollutants into the air, which can cause respiratory problems, headaches, and other health issues. And if there’s a leak or explosion, the consequences could be even more dire.
Indigenous Communities
Indigenous communities in the area are also at risk. The pipeline will run through sacred land and threaten cultural sites, which is a violation of their sovereignty and human rights. And the construction of the pipeline will also disrupt traditional hunting and fishing practices, which will have an economic impact on these communities.
It’s clear that the construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline isn’t just an environmental issue—it’s an issue of social justice. Marginalized communities are bearing the brunt of the damage, and it’s up to us to stand with them and demand that their voices be heard.
Communities of Color Face the Highest Risks
One of the most alarming aspects of the Mountain Valley Pipeline is the disproportionate impact it has on communities of color. Research has shown that these communities are often located near industrial sites and are more likely to experience negative health effects from pollution. In the case of the Mountain Valley Pipeline, the route passes through several areas with high populations of Native American and African American communities. These communities already face systemic racism and environmental injustice, and the pipeline only exacerbates these issues.
Health Impacts
The pipeline poses a significant health risk to these communities, as it will increase air pollution and expose residents to toxic chemicals. In addition, the construction process can lead to water contamination, which can have serious health consequences. Studies have shown that exposure to pollutants like benzene, which is commonly found in natural gas pipelines, can lead to cancer and other chronic illnesses.
Displacement and Disruption
The pipeline also threatens to displace and disrupt communities, as it requires the construction of new infrastructure and the clearing of land. This can have a devastating impact on the cultural and spiritual traditions of Native American communities, which often have deep ties to the land. In addition, the disruption of communities can lead to social and economic instability, further exacerbating existing inequalities.
It’s important to recognize that the impacts of the Mountain Valley Pipeline are not evenly distributed. Communities of color are facing the highest risks and are the most vulnerable to the negative effects of the pipeline. As a society, we must work to address these issues and ensure that all communities have access to clean air, water, and a safe environment.
Why We Should All Care About the MVP
It’s easy to think that the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) is just an issue for the communities directly affected by its construction. But the truth is, we should all care about the MVP and its potential impact on the environment and communities. Here’s why:
Climate Change
The MVP will transport natural gas, a fossil fuel that contributes to climate change. By enabling the extraction, transport, and burning of more natural gas, the MVP is working against our efforts to transition to cleaner, renewable energy sources.
Environmental Damage
The construction of the MVP involves clear-cutting forests, trenching through streams and wetlands, and blasting through mountains. All of this can lead to erosion, sedimentation, and pollution of waterways, as well as harm to wildlife and their habitats.
Public Health
Communities living near the pipeline and its compressor stations are at risk of exposure to toxic air pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde. These pollutants can cause respiratory problems, cancer, and other health issues.
Environmental Racism
The MVP would disproportionately impact Indigenous communities and communities of color, who have historically borne the brunt of environmental degradation and pollution. By ignoring their voices and concerns, the MVP perpetuates a system of environmental racism.
In short, the MVP is not just an issue for a few select communities—it’s an issue that affects us all. We should all be concerned about the environmental, public health, and social justice implications of this pipeline, and work towards a future that prioritizes sustainability and equity.
The Mountain Valley Pipeline is not just about a pipeline. It’s a story about environmentalism, rural and low-income communities, marginalized communities, and communities of color. It’s about the power dynamics at play when big corporations and the government prioritize profit over people and the planet.
But it’s also a story about hope and resilience. Communities have come together, organized, and fought back against this pipeline. They have shown that even in the face of injustice, when we come together, we can make a difference.
We must continue to speak out against environmental racism and the exploitation of vulnerable communities. We must hold those in power accountable and demand that they prioritize the health and well-being of all people and the planet. Let the story of the Mountain Valley Pipeline be a call to action for all of us to stand up, speak out, and fight for a better world.