There are Black People in the Future.

Welcome to my professional website blended with a lot of the personal to give you a more complete view of the complex human being that I am.

Bias in artificial intelligence is a problem. As algorithms get smarter and AI becomes more ubiquitous, it’s important that we take active steps to address the ways in which it can be harmful—especially to Black people.

In the paragraphs below, you’ll learn about the history of bias in AI, some of the ways it’s currently being exhibited, and what we can do to change things for the better.

Understanding Afrofuturism in Technology

The conversation about the role of Black people in the future has to center around Afrofuturism. This is a movement that emphasizes the importance of Black people in shaping the future—not just as bystanders or consumers, but as creators and innovators.

Afrofuturism is about reclaiming our seat at the table. It’s about asserting our voice and presence in a world that has tried to silence us. And it’s about using our creativity and imagination to envision a better tomorrow.

When we talk about Black people in the future, we can’t do it without talking about Afrofuturism. Because Afrofuturism is the future.

Addressing Bias in Artificial Intelligence

In order for artificial intelligence to make truly equitable decisions, it is important that it not be biased. Unfortunately, however, bias is rampant in both the data used to train AI and in the algorithms themselves.

This bias can have disastrous consequences. For example, if an AI system is being used to determine whether or not someone should be given a loan, and that system is biased against Black people, then Black people will be far more likely to be denied loans than white people.

This is why it’s so important that we address bias in artificial intelligence. We need to make sure that AI systems are not only fair, but also accurate. This means including Black people in the development of these systems from the beginning, and ensuring that all data is free from bias.

Impact of Data Sets and Machine Learning

When it comes to data sets and machine learning, a lot of people seem to think that “the data set doesn’t matter.” As long as the data is clean and there’s enough of it, they say, the machine learning algorithms will do their job and produce accurate results.

This is a naive assumption. The data set always matters. It determines what the machine learning algorithm learns in the first place.

It’s no secret that the data set for artificial intelligence and machine learning has been dominated by white people. This means that the algorithms are learning from a limited perspective, and they’re not taking into account the experiences of Black people. As a result, they’re producing biased results.

This is not just an issue with artificial intelligence and machine learning. It’s an issue with all forms of technology. We need to address bias in technology if we want to create a future that’s inclusive and just for all people.

Power of Technology to Change the World

You have the power to use technology to help create a better future. You can use artificial intelligence and machine learning to help make decisions that are rooted in justice and fairness for everyone, regardless of race or gender. You can also use AI and machine learning to uncover existing biases that may be embedded within our existing systems, so that they can be addressed before they become even more deeply entrenched. And finally, you can work with regulators and policymakers to ensure that new rules and regulations are in place to protect people from bias in artificial intelligence.

It’s up to us as individuals, organizations, and society as a whole, to take the necessary steps towards creating a more equitable world with artificial intelligence. Black lives matter in the future, and Black input matters just as much in machine learning. With regulation governing artificial intelligence systems based on fairness and equity, we can make sure there is no future without Black people in it.

Necessity for Proper Regulations in Technology

We must also ensure that industries, such as artificial intelligence, develop with proper regulations in place. Technology has immense power to change the world, but it will not be able to realize its full potential unless we first address the bias that exists within these systems. Without regulations, technology can cause serious harm to society and individuals alike.

That’s why it is essential to develop rules and policies governing the use of artificial intelligence. We need to ensure that these regulations are in place before AI reaches the consumer market and thus limit any potential biases that may exist. Along with this, it is important for companies working in AI to have transparency towards customers so they can understand how their data is being used. This includes disclosing any algorithms used or policies set.

Only then can we begin on the path towards a more equitable world for people of all backgrounds and identities, where Black lives matter and Black input matters in machine learning as much as any other input.

No Future Without Black People Included

It’s time we acknowledge the fact that there is no future without black people in it. Artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science are going to shape how we interact with our world and how the world sees us. We must ensure that bias is addressed and regulated in these rapidly advancing technologies.

Including black voices and perspectives in these industries will shape the way technology is developed going forward. That’s why it’s important to acknowledge the significance of black lives and input in this field, to provide a broader range of perspectives for technology to consider, recognize and be able to address biases on a larger scale.

We must understand that this isn’t just about creating a technological utopia; it’s about ensuring that technological solutions are fair, equitable, and accessible for all. We must strive for an inclusive future where everyone can benefit from advances in technology without fear of discrimination or marginalization—and Black lives should absolutely be at the center of that goal.


When it comes to the future, we cannot forget about the Black people who will be a part of it. And by Black people, we mean everyone who identifies as such, from all walks of life. That’s why it’s so important that we address bias in artificial intelligence, or AI.

Bias in AI can have dangerous consequences. If left unchecked, it can lead to technologies that unfairly target or exclude certain groups of people. That’s why it’s essential that we make sure that AI is developed with a sensitivity to bias and an awareness of the impact it can have.

It will take a concerted effort from everyone involved in the development of AI to make sure it is fair and just. We must remember that technology has the power to change the world, but only if we change and address biases first.

I am Yoruba.

I am a Mother.

I am an Afro-futurist.

I am a scholar.

I am an environmentalist.

I am a policy advisor.

I am an abolitionist.

I am a creative.

I am Black girl magic.

I imagine worlds centered around Black experiences.

I help organizations create transformation policy in order to create an equitable, inclusive and more colorful world.