From Intersectionality to Augmented Reality: Applying Black Feminist Theory to Emerging Technologies.

Our world is rapidly changing, and with it come new technologies that have the potential to revolutionize every aspect of our lives. However, emerging technologies also pose a multitude of challenges which are often overlooked or ignored. One way to understand their effects better is to examine them through the lens of Black feminist theory.

Black feminist theory emphasizes the importance of intersectionality and how multiple identities intersect with power structures in complex ways. In this article, we will use the insights of Black feminist theory to explore how emerging technologies can intersect with different social identities and power structures in often-unexpected ways. We will look at case studies of technologies that have disproportionately impacted marginalized communities, and suggest ways to apply a Black feminist lens design and development of new emerging technologies.

By examining new technologies through a Black feminist perspective, we can gain insight into how they impact our society and help ensure that everyone benefits from their use.

Introduction to Black Feminist Theory and Intersectionality

Black feminist theory has long centered intersectionality as a key component of understanding the oppressive systems that shape the lives of Black women and other people of color. This framework builds upon the work of scholars like Kimberlé Crenshaw to understand forms of oppression not just as individual experience, but as a systemic and intersectional phenomenon that is rooted in power dynamics based on gender, race, class, and other social identities.

At its core, intersectionality is an inclusive methodology that allows us to explore the complex ways in which multiple identities—such as race, gender, class, sexuality—converge to create unique lived experiences. It is focused on understanding how power relations between different social identities impact access to opportunities and resources in our society. This understanding becomes even more pertinent when considering the implications of emerging technologies like facial recognition and artificial intelligence (AI) on marginalized communities.

Examining the Impact of Emerging Technologies on Marginalized Communities

As emerging technologies become more pervasive and sophisticated, the potential effects of their introduction into the world becomes increasingly important to consider. In particular, they can have a disproportionate impact on vulnerable and marginalized communities. To better understand the implications of these technologies, it is essential to consider Black Feminist Theory, which emphasizes intersectionality—the idea that social identities and power structures are not isolated from one another, but instead intersect and overlap.

In other words, Black Feminist Theory helps us to think critically about how emerging technologies can interact with existing social identities in complex and profound ways. For example, facial recognition technology is often assumed to be unbiased—when in reality it reflects existing systemic biases about race, ethnicity and gender. By applying an intersectional lens to understanding and assessing such technologies, we can begin to identify their potential implications for communities that are commonly sidelined or overlooked in mainstream discourse.

Ultimately, this kind of analysis underscores the need for more conscious design and development processes when creating new technologies—processes that focus heavily on the needs of marginalized communities both in terms of inclusion and security.

Exploring How a Black Feminist Lens Can Inform Technology Development

At the intersection of oppression and technological advancement lies an opportunity to apply a Black feminist lens to the design and development of emerging technologies. This means considering and accounting for the multiple ways in which identity, power, privilege, access, and oppression interrelate in contexts of emerging technologies.

Applying a Black feminist lens to the design and development of emerging technologies starts with examining the conditions of people’s lives

Understanding the Role of Power Dynamics in Technology Use

In order to understand how Black feminist theory can help us navigate emerging technologies, it is important to recognize the complex power dynamics at play in technology use. Technologies have historically been used to oppress and marginalize certain communities, such as through discriminatory hiring practices and profiling.

Additionally, the underlying power structures of the tech industry can be seen in disparities between the number of people of color working in technical roles and those leading them. As a result, marginalized people are often excluded from decision-making processes that shape the development and implementation of technologies, creating a further gap between those who have direct access to these tools and those who do not.

Applying a Black feminist perspective to emerging technologies means recognizing these power imbalances and seeking out ways to empower the voices of marginalized people within tech spaces. This could include initiatives such as inclusive hiring practices, or inviting marginalized individuals into the design process of new technologies. Understanding how certain groups wield more power than others is an essential part of learning to use technology in responsible ways.

Applying Intersectional Thinking to Augmented & Virtual Reality

In order to create an equitable future with emerging technologies, such as augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), it is essential to consider their implications from a Black feminist perspective. In that way, we can work to ensure that technology is made accessible, beneficial and meaningful for all people.

Intersectional thinking centers the voices of communities traditionally left out of conversations on technology and its development. By doing so, it opens up opportunities to consider the unique ways in which AR/VR impact different gender, racial and economic groups. Here are some key considerations when applying an intersectional thinking framework to the design of AR/VR technology:


It is important to consider how these technologies are representing the varied identities of its users — specifically, who gets seen and heard through these technologies? When designing for diversity in AR/VR, it’s important to think about how characters within this world engage with different types of people in relatable ways.


Visually impaired people should be able to access technologies like augmented reality using tools such as screen readers or audio descriptions. In addition to taking into account physical access barriers, attention should be given to financial aspects — making sure AR/VR tech and accompanying materials are available at reasonable prices.


Finally, considering how AR/VR can be used by oppressed and marginalized communities towards their own empowerment is a vital consideration. For example, virtual reality could provide training for medical professionals in under-resourced communities or allow survivors of sexual violence a safe place outside their homes or communities when seeking support services.

We have seen how Black feminist theory can be used as a lens to appreciate the complex ways in which emerging technologies intersect with various social identities and power structures. By understanding and responding to the unique difficulties encountered by communities of color, we can work to ensure that emerging technologies are designed and developed in ways that respect their rights and humanity. Ultimately, the goal is to use Black feminist theory to create equitable and inclusive technologies that center the needs of marginalized communities, rather than disproportionately affecting them.