Empowerment Through Action: The Modern-Day Abolitionist

We’ve all heard stories of the abolitionists. Their attempts to end slavery have shaped us culturally and politically for centuries. But what does it mean to be an abolitionist in this modern day and age? We know that slavery continues to exist in various forms, yet we often feel discouraged or powerless to make a difference.

In these days of civil rights movements and protests, we believe that it’s possible to find a way to fight against slavery that is both effective and empowering. To do this, we must learn from the lessons of the past while also examining how they fit into our present reality. We must figure out how we can use modern tools and resources to take meaningful action against systemic oppression.

In this article, we’ll explore what it means to be an abolitionist in 2023—and how you can use your own sense of empowerment to further your cause. Let’s dive in!

Exploring the Modern Meaning of Abolitionism

From the late 1700’s to the mid-1800’s, abolitionists in the United States courageously opposed the oppressive institution of slavery. The question remains, however: what does it mean to be an abolitionist in 2021?

The answer is as varied as it is complex. Abolitionism today involves deconstructing oppressive systems, undoing implicit bias, and fighting for justice and equity through action. It means advocating for policies that recognize and value all people’s humanity while creating equitable solutions that promote safety and wellbeing.

Abolitionism today requires us to take action by engaging in our local communities, staying educated on current events and advocacy issues, amplifying marginalized voices across our networks, donating to reputable causes, and voting for politicians who share our views on how we should create a more equitable world.

The modern-day abolitionist challenges injustice from the grassroots level all the way up to governmental bodies—and everywhere in between. It’s only when we come together in unity that we can truly create lasting change. By taking small steps of engagement every day, we can follow in the footsteps of those who have come before us and continue the fight for liberation in 2021.

Unpacking the Current State of Global Injustice

It is easy to think that slavery and discrimination are a thing of the past. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth—injustice and inequality continue to be prevalent all over the world.

That’s why the modern abolitionist movement is so important. In 2023, it means recognizing and acknowledging that inequality exists, then taking action to address it. It means being an ally to those groups or individuals who have been unfairly targeted or treated differently, and standing up for what’s right.

Here are just a few ways you can become a modern-day abolitionist:

  • Advocate for equality within your own circles and communities, challenging existing power structures and speaking up for those who may not have a voice in the conversation.
  • Educate yourself on topics of social justice and fight against racism, sexism, poverty, ableism, homophobia and other forms of oppression by learning the history behind them.
  • Support local initiatives that focus on uplifting underprivileged communities by donating money or volunteering your time.

By taking action against unequal treatment in any form, you can make a real difference in the lives of those affected by injustice—and be an integral part of creating a more equitable future for us all.

Dismantling White Supremacy and Racism

So what does it mean to be an abolitionist in 2023? It means taking action to dismantle white supremacy and racism, both of which have deep roots in the United States. You can’t tell the story of abolition without talking about how racism is embedded in our country’s DNA.

In the 21st century, racism and white supremacy manifest themselves in different ways: they show up in education, housing, employment, policing and more. Abolition is about dismantling these systems that cause harm and oppression. To do this, we must first understand how they work and how they impact our lives today.

Fortunately, there are lots of tangible ways you can contribute to the cause:

  1. Educate yourself — read books or articles written by activists and experts on racism, history and social justice movements
  2. Educate others — have conversations with your peers about what you’ve learned
  3. Support Black-owned businesses — patronize stores owned by Black people or donate to their causes
  4. Come together — join protests, organize rallies or volunteer for nonprofits
  5. Vote — vote for candidates who represent change that benefits marginalized communities

By taking action against injustice at a grassroots level, we can create real change in our society today—both locally and regionally—and become modern-day abolitionists who are determined to make a difference for generations to come.

Working Towards Economic Justice

Economic justice is one of the main areas where modern-day abolitionists take action. Our current economic system disproportionately affects marginalized communities, resulting in increased inequality and poverty. So how do modern-day abolitionists bring about change?

Supporting small businesses

Modern-day abolitionists understand that supporting small businesses can be a powerful way to promote economic justice. Small businesses are more likely to prioritize diversity and inclusion—when you support these businesses, you create more jobs and opportunities for people from marginalized groups. It’s a win-win!

Investing in marginalized communities

The financial industry has been historically inaccessible to the marginalized, with little focus on community development. To combat this, modern-day abolitionists invest in underfunded communities to help them grow and create a better future for themselves. From setting up crowdfunding campaigns to making strategic investments into local businesses, there are many creative ways for people to make a difference.

By taking action to support small businesses and investing in marginalized communities, modern-day abolitionists can have an impact on economic justice and help build a more equitable world.

Creating Meaningful Change Through Art and Education

You may have noticed that there are many ways to empower yourself. One of them is by being an abolitionist. We’re in the 21st century and modern-day abolitionists understand that change doesn’t happen overnight—it takes small steps over time to make meaningful progress.


Modern-day abolitionists recognize that education is incredibly powerful and can help amplify the message of our cause. From hosting teach-ins and seminars, to creating awareness campaigns through media, modern-day abolitionists use their knowledge to inspire others to join in the fight for liberation.


Creative expression is another powerful source of empowerment for modern-day abolitionists. Art allows us to express our voice in a safe space – it can be used as a healing tool and a way to inform and educate others about the issues facing our communities. Whether it’s through writing, painting, dancing or singing, art has been used by modern-day abolitionists as a powerful vehicle for change.

Overall, modern-day abolitionists know that creating meaningful change requires dedication, courage and perseverance. Through education, art and action we can create a better world for future generations – one without injustice and oppression.

Understanding Privilege and Dismantling Oppressive Systems

Being an abolitionist in 2023 is about tackling the oppressive systems that have been built up over time, and understanding how privilege affects people’s lives. In this era of technology and connectivity, it is easier than ever before to educate ourselves on the impact of social injustice and work towards eliminating it.


Everyone reading this has some kind of privilege; it may be based on race, gender, sexual orientation or class. Dismantling oppressive systems starts with recognizing this privilege — where it comes from and how it can be used to help those without access to these same resources. Once you become aware of your own privilege, you can use it as a tool for advocacy and action against systemic injustice.

Taking Action

The modern-day abolitionist takes action to make a real difference in the fight for justice. This doesn’t necessarily mean joining a protest or marching in the streets — although of course it can if you feel called to do so. There are also lots of other ways to take action: volunteering at a local organization that helps disadvantaged youth, donating money to causes that seek equal rights for all, or even just actively listening and engaging in discussions about oppression.

No matter which route you take, remember that your efforts are what will move us closer to true equity for all people in our society. Empowerment through action is the only way forward!

As modern-day abolitionists, we can take action to confront systemic injustice and help create pathways to real, lasting freedom for all people. We can throw our weight behind the campaigns, campaigns, and calls-to-action that will bring us closer to a world without slavery- a world where every person is free to pursue their own dreams and ambitions. We can stand in solidarity with our fellow abolitionists- those living in vulnerable circumstances, those who cannot speak for themselves, and those who raise their voice when others cannot. We can speak up, show up, and seize real-world moments of injustice to create a better future for our communities, our countries, and our world. Together, we are abolitionists. Let’s live like it.